Category: Gluten Free Travel

Living Gluten Free in South Africa

My friend’s daughter just went off to college (university) and she asked for some advice as her daughter is suffering from a gluten allergy.  Apparently the allergy wasn’t too bad but now she’s become very sensitive. I thought I would share with you the information I gave to her.  This list is specific to South…
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Gluten Free AMAZING Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

These are so good, not only did I double the batch, but about half of those didn’t even make it to the oven. Reminds me of the Nestle Toll House cookie dough I used to buy in the US…this is one of my favorite all time recipes! Normally I love milk chocolate but the rest…
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Road Trip South Africa

After almost 2 years of re-scheduling, we finally got to go on our road trip along the Garden Route area of the Western Cape in South Africa. Let me first start out by saying that sitting in the car for any extended period of time is pretty much my nightmare in terms of travel. I…
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Gluten Free Travel Tips

The last 3 years I’ve come down with a serious allergy to Gluten. I was like most people and had no idea what that was.  After 2 years of doctors visits, going through hell and not being able to do much that didn’t allow me to be within running shot of a bathroom. Enough said.…
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