Checked Luggage Tips

Checked Luggage Tips

Whether you choose the Carry On Only packing method or you prefer to check your luggage, there are things you can do to help if it gets lost.  If you’ve never had your luggage get lost, you’ve been lucky so far but I think of it as a numbers game. The more times you check that luggage, the more probability that it will get lost at some point.

Here are some tips for what to do to make sure that if your luggage does get lost, that it gets returned to you as quickly as possible.

Tips to Get Your Lost Luggage Returned to You Quickly

• If you are traveling with a black bag, make sure to put an identifying item on it that can be seen in a “sea” of black bags.  I’ve used packing straps before but those have been ripped off several times (getting caught on the way to the carousel, etc) so put something on a handle. My mother used to put these yarn pom-poms on the bags, I used to think they were ridiculous but they worked! Figure out your own thing and put it on each of your bags. I would use colorful ribbons that I had on hand…some of my old suitcases still have them on there.

• Take a photo of your bag. If the airlines lose your bag, you can send them a photo of your bag. They will ask you over the phone for a description of your bag and just saying a Black Bag doesn’t cut it.

• Lock your bag with a TSA approved luggage lock. Many of the bags today come with built-in locks which are fantastic as you don’t have to worry about losing them. What that means is that the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) can open your bag if they need to inspect it instead of cutting off your lock.

• Put a copy of your Itinerary inside your bag with hotel names, addresses, a phone number for  you (cell phone preferably) and an e-mail address. TSA can open the bag for them and can find out where to send it if they can’t get a hold of you.

• Use a luggage tag. You can bring your own but I always use the ones provided at the check-in counter. As soon as I get in line I pop up there, grab a couple and fill them out while waiting in line. Do this every time you have a flight and make sure that the information you put on there is for the location where your luggage is headed.

• Have a list of what is inside your suitcase. I use Packing Checklists and I’m quite specific about what I put in there, for example, Athleta Black Pants, White JCrew Vneck, etc. So if my suitcase were to get lost, I know exactly what was inside which helps greatly if you have Travel Insurance and need to get reimbursed. Another reason to use a packing list if you don’t currently use one!

I wish for you that your checked in luggage never gets lost, it really sucks (for lack of a better word)!  But if it does, be prepared. Happy traveling!


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