Welcome to Women's Travel World

A woman's guide to traveling in today's world!



What are the items that make traveling easier and safer? Here is a list of favorite tried and true items, everything from that perfect pair of travel pants to the best suitcase. Click here to see the Must Have Travel Essentials for Women in 2021.



More and more women are traveling around the globe either solo, with a partner or with a small group. See the best Travel Tips for 2021 to make sure you have the best trip possible. Click here for the Best Travel Tips for Women.



Traveling is a way of life and don’t we all want life to be more fun and less stress? Check out the Travel Blog for topics such as traveling with a Gluten Allergy to how to stay healthy.  Click here to see all the Blog Topics to choose from.


Airport Lounges:  Why I love them!

Don’t have Airline Lounge privileges or status? No problem! That doesn’t mean you cannot enjoy the safety and cleanliness of an airport executive lounge.

About Women’s Travel World

If you think that travel is always stressful, I am here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be!

For over 25 years I’ve been traveling the world, and for 16 years I’ve been planning travel and tours for others and helping clients have amazing trips all over the world. I’ve traveled for work, alone, and with my husband. I’ve had my luggage lost, had armed police go through my luggage while holding huge rifles and have had an amazing adventure along the way. Every time I go through the airport I see people so stressed out and travel should be enjoyable!  

No matter how many times you’ve traveled, if you get stressed out while traveling, please check out the Travel Blog as I truly believe there may be that “gold nugget” in there that helps you! Whether it’s a traveling tip or a clothing must have I hope you enjoy! If you are a kindred spirit and already have your travel down then I have some funny travel stories that I think you’ll enjoy. Welcome!

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