Travel Tips for Beginners

Travel Tips for Beginners

Travel should be FUN!  If you’re just starting out traveling, we hope you have an amazing time and it’s 100% up to you to make that happen!  Airports can be stressful but honestly most setbacks are avoidable if you do your research. So good for you for landing on this blog!

This travel advice comes from many, many years of travel so if you follow these suggestions, you’ll have a stress free vacation from the moment you start your packing!

If you haven’t heard about 3-1-1 then make sure to familiarize yourself on that first. TSA (Transportation Security Administration) has a great video below to show you exactly what this is. Please note though that if your’e doing international travel, TSA is the US agency so what is  this information can change.  If you follow this 3-1-1 rule, you should have no  problems going through other security checkpoints but always check the signs as you get to a checkpoint.

What is 3-1-1?

Packing Advice

CARRY ON HAND BAG: Whether it’s a backpack or tote bag, it should zip or close completely. Too often a bag falls over and the contents spill out because the bag doesn’t close.  A cute carry on that is open, and easily pick pocketed by the way, is not what you want to use when going through the airport nor on a plane.  Make sure to have your items that need to be removed for security in your carry-on and easy to grab.  Click here to go to the TSA Website for their Packing Tips

What to Wear on Your Travel Days

Being comfortable and confident in what you’re wearing is key. If you feel good, it will make your travel experience better all around. Just remember that whatever you wear,  you are going to need to take many of those items off going through security.  Also think about if they are going to be comfortable sitting for a long period of time. If you need ideas with what to wear, see the Packing Lists Category on the Travel Blog Page.

Make sure to wear shoes that are easy to slip off (and on) and if the thought of walking around barefoot through security grosses you out….wear socks with your shoes. Make sure you do not wear new shoes…you will regret it!  Make sure that whatever shoes you have,  you’ve worn before for many hours and you know that you’ll be comfortable walking through the miles of airport terminals. If you want to have some “cute shoes” for when you meet up with somebody at your destination, throw those in a shoe bag/inside your handbag and change just before you get outside, this is a much better idea than wearing them the entire day!

What Not to Wear on Your Travel Days

Clothing with provocative wording or photos on it, you will not be allowed on the flight. Do not wear very short dresses or skirt. People get kicked off of planes or refused entry to the plane so do not be one of those people. You can always change into whatever you want when you are at your destination.

Ride to the Airport & Arrival Time

-If you have a reliable friend or family member that is always on time and totally reliable person to take you to the airport, great. If you do not, use a taxi, Uber or trusted transportation provider.

-Arrive EARLY. This will remove the majority of your stress…period! If they suggest 2 hours for domestic and 3 hours for international, follow their guidelines. It is 100% better to get their early than to rush…that is NOT fun!

-Check-in at a Kiosk to avoid the lines. If you are doing carry-on, you do not have to wait in line.  If you do have to check a bag, check-in at the Kiosk and then go to the Bag Drop area. Make sure you have your ticket & Passport/ID ready when you arrive at the front of the line.

-You WILL have to stand in line for the security check and it will take longer than it should.

Security Checkpoints

Travel Tips for Beginners

-READ the security sign of what it says you are to do, every security check is a little different.

-LISTEN to what they are telling you.

-WATCH travelers as they go through, you’ll see the expert travelers and how easy they make it seem (which it is)

-REALIZE that a) security personnel are just people with a job to do, a very important one at that-to keep us safe, b) everybody has to go through this so it’s nothing personal, c) these security people get treated badly all day…if they are a bit cranky, give them a pass…do not under any circumstances talk back, try to make jokes with, etc…just follow their directions. It’s just part of the process and reality of travel today.

-Be ready for when you get to the front of the line going through Security.

-Have your items ready to take out swiftly:  electronic items, laptop, liquids and food items.

-Make sure your pockets are empty.

-Remove your shoes and place ALL items into the bin and then walk the bin up until it gets beyond where you can touch it. Many security places tell you to wait and push your bin in, some tell you to leave it and walk through. I like to wait and watch it until it is actually moves through to the screening area.

Returning From Your Trip

-Highly recommend that you take an Uber, Lyft or Taxi to get home.

-Why? The added stress of trying to meet somebody, flight delays, luggage delays, traffic police, and to find them with all the cars, is an additional stress you don’t need when returning from a trip. I’ve found that the time you waste trying to “find” your ride, you could have been on your way home already. Unless the person picking you up parks the car and walks to meet you at the luggage carousel area, just take a taxi.

If you are going to try to do Carry On Only, check out the blog and see if it makes sense for you.  If you definitely need to do a checked luggage, make sure to read the Checked Baggage Tips.

Head over to the Travel Blog Page for more Travel Tips, Packing Lists and more!


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